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Giving a Presentation


To meet the specific needs of each individual client, The Docentus Group offers a series of custom-built professional growth and development workshops. Our workshops provide clients the mindset and skills needed to create the growth and improvement they desire.

For information on other Education Solutions, click the buttons below.

  • Workshops are customized to fit the individual needs of our clients.  

  • Current workshop offerings are listed below and are organized by general categories.

  • Coaching is available for each topic within the workshop section.  




Establishing the mindset and commitment to the alignment.

  1. Gain awareness of the need for district, department, or programmatic alignment.

  2. Learn and understand the needs for specific program alignment within all programs functioning under a department umbrella.

  3. Explore the impact on students for remaining unaligned.

  4. Deploy a baseline plan for alignment.


Acting on what is necessary to create alignment.

  1. Create or revitalize a plan to ensure alignment is clarified, developed, and maintained.

  2. Establish systems and processes for alignment.

  3. Develop sample alignment models to use throughout the alignment process. 

  4. Identify the current status and future needs in regard to the next steps of “what” needs to be aligned.


Strategies, systems, and processes focused on alignment.

  1. Gain the mindset needed for alignment. 

  2. Learn strategies for building, framing, and/or revitalizing, and maintaining alignment.

  3. Explore the target areas to be immediately impacted.

  4. Craft and deploy a plan for ensuring alignment to targeted objectives.



Ensuring program growth via recruiting and retaining students.​

  1. Gain an understanding of effective and efficient strategies to grow and maintain your program.

  2. Learn tools, techniques, and strategies needed to amplify recruitment, retention, and growth.

  3. Explore best practices for developing and maintaining a robust program.

  4. Develop systems and processes to ensure students remain engaged.


Building and maintaining effective and robust student leadership programs.

  1. Gain an understanding of effective and efficient student leadership programs.

  2. Learn tools, techniques, and strategies critical to student leadership programs.

  3. Explore best practices for developing and maintaining a robust student leadership program.

  4. Develop systems, processes and templates to ensure student leadership programs are successful.


Providing real-world presentation skills for the real-world.​

  1. Learn the value of the Resume, Cover Letter, Reference Letter, and Interview.

  2. Learn tools, techniques, and strategies to consider in the process of personal presentation.

  3. Explore best practices for effectively communicating in chaos of the real world.

  4. Develop a strategy for personal presentation.



Exceptional results from mindful and meaningful conversations.

  1. Gain the components of “exceptional” conversations.

  2. Learn a framework to effectively resolve conflict, provide appropriate feedback, and recognize achievement.

  3. Explore the emotionality of conflict and both the positive and negative impact it has on creating or stifling resolution.

  4. Demonstrate the practice of exceptional conversations in a strong, professional and ethical manner.



Harnessing growth and accountability through word choice.

  1. Gain the understanding that spoken words create responses from those who hear them.

  2. Learn how comfort words (we, us, them, they) completely abolish the mindset needed for individual accountability.

  3. Explore the impact of words on both your emotions and on the emotions of others.

  4. Correct personal vocabulary so that spoken and written words both safely drive and cause individual accountability.


What is said, how it is said, and when it is said, truly matters.

  1. Gain an understanding to the impact of perception on communication.

  2. Learn the seven Cs surrounding communication and how critical each of them are to successful communication.

  3. Explore methodologies on how to effectively deliver “bad” and “good” information in a manner that is well received.

  4. Demonstrate, by active participation, the practices of leadership-based communication.



Exploring all aspects of professional, behavior-based ethics.

  1. Learn the impact of professional ethics on students, staff, parents, and the community.

  2. Explore LEGAL/LOCAL policy alongside the TAC and TEC, as they pertain to professional behavior.

  3. Review cases of ethical failures and the associated, and often devastating impacts.

  4. Develop personal action plans to ensure ethics are maintained.


Creating documents to effectively and efficiently memorialize events.

  1. Learn the importance of effectively and efficiently memorializing events.

  2. Gain tools and techniques for appropriate memorialization in order to improve performance.

  3. Explore strategies and techniques for presentation of memorialization documents.

  4. Craft templates and frameworks for use in the memorialization process.


Tools, techniques, and strategies for effective and efficient investigations.

  1. Learn the purpose and importance of conducting proper investigations.

  2. Gain tools, techniques, and strategies key to efficient and effective investigations.

  3. Explore best-practices for conducting thorough and effective investigations.

  4. Develop systems, processes and templates for ensuring effective investigations.



  • Teachers

  • Coaches

  • Fine Arts Staff, Extra-Curricular Staff

  • Central and Campus Administrators


  • Campus Administrators

  • Central Office Administrators

  • Department Supervisors


  • Campus Administrators

  • Central Office Administrators

  • Department Supervisors



Emotions and the processes of learning.

  1. Gain an in-depth understanding of baseline human emotions and their impact on behavior.

  2. Learn how to harness emotional energy and systematically convert it into a gateway of learning.

  3. Explore and identify strategies, systems and process for opening gateways when anger, fear, shame, or sadness is presented by a student.

  4. Demonstrate tools and techniques that are easy to remember and quick to use.


"Who I am" impacts “how they" learn.

  1. Gain an understanding of “learning personalities” and their connection to emotions.

  2. Learn and explore the impact that emotions have on both teaching and learning.

  3. Explore and learn to identify emotional gateways that present themselves in the school environment.

  4. Demonstrate tools and techniques for emotional gateway management.


Aligning values to behavior.

  1. Gain an understanding of a value driven organization.

  2. Learn the true value of highly focused statements of purpose or high ideals.

  3. Explore, identify and learn how to apply values – on a daily basis – to a high-ideal and mindset.

  4. Create a set of specific, behavior-based, targeted objective based upon statements of purpose.


Resetting climate, culture, and expectations.

  1. Gain an understanding of institutionalized behaviors impact on the entire educational process.

  2. Learn the mindset necessary to identify as well as adequately and appropriately address harmful institutionalized behaviors.

  3. Explore tools and techniques necessary to ‘recalibrate’ toward common purpose in the educational process.

  4. Recalibrate climate, culture and expectations.


Tools and strategies that make sense for time management.

  1. Gain an understanding of time management.

  2. Discover positive and negative impacts associated with effective time management both personally and professionally.

  3. Explore tools and strategies that improve time management reducing anxiety and stress.

  4. Develop a personal plan or strategy to improve time management.


Maintaining a mindset while safely allowing the mind to relax.

  1. Gain an understanding of mindfulness.

  2. Learn the value of mindfulness.

  3. Explore the substantial impact of mindfulness on the entire educational process.

  4. Apply the tools and techniques needed to foster the development of a physically and emotionally safe mindset and environment.



Establishing expected, long-term, student outcomes in schools or specific programs.

  1. Gain raised or revised awareness of the need for learner profiles specific to a district, school or program.

  2. Explore the negative and positive impacts of developing (or not) and setting (or not) district, school or programmatic expectations of a learner.

  3. Craft a baseline learner profile.


Defining programmatic expectations and long-term expectations for graduates of your program.

  1. Gain raised or revised awareness of the need for graduate profiles specific to a district, school or program.

  2. Explore the negative and positive impacts of developing, (or not) and setting, (or not) district, school or programmatic expectations of a learner.

  3. Craft a baseline graduate profile.


Finalizing and publishing of profiles to be used at all levels of the district, school, or specific program.

This workshop is a follow-up to workshops focusing on the Learner or Graduate Profile(s).

This workshop provides ongoing work based on previous meeting, data collected, and strategic decision.

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